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Which took which?

Some people believe that an expensive camera will help to take better photographs. Is that right? Here’s a test to find out. Look at the three photos below. They were taken with three very different cameras … a very basic (and old) ‘point and shoot’ … a middle-of-the-range digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera … and […]


You have to compromise

There have been a some wonderful sights in the evening sky these past few nights – the Moon, Venus, and Jupiter in unusually close conjunction. Photogenic stuff! Unfortunately, getting good photographs of them is not easy … In general the light is low so you need a long exposure But the Moon is still very […]


Are you a real photographer?

 Here are twelve ways of telling. If …  you’ve created thousands of images, but you don’t appear in any of them your camera is worth more than your car you’re the official photographer at your daughter’s wedding when travelling, you take one change of clothes, but 5 lenses, 2 camera bodies, a flash, a tripod […]


And we thought this year was bad …

I’ve posted a couple of times about the iced-up lakefront at Versoix, Switzerland (here and here). For the first 2 weeks of February this year, a vicious North wind that locals call the bise roared across Lac Léman (Lake Geneva), throwing spray over cars, and boats, and trees, and benches, and anything else along the […]


Versoix in the Ice Age

It’s been 10 days now, and the quay at Versoix (near Geneva, Switzerland) is still encased in ice. The cars are still frozen solid. Immovable. What is there to say? Let my photos say it for me … When will it end?
